Event Checklist
Scoring, Competition Coordination
If you’re using scoring.dance for your competition, you’ll find all information, checklists, and reports in your Event-Director Dashboard.
- Printer (fast, Laserprinter prefered)
- printer tested some days before the event (I know why 🙂 )
- replacement printer cartridge
- Printer (fast, Laserprinter prefered) (example: )
- printer tested some days before the event (I know why 🙂 )
- replacement printer cartridge
- enough paper (1 division ~ 50 sheets)
- working internet
- bib numbers
- safety pins (proven size 5x22mm)
- awards
- trained experienced floor-runner/prepper volunteer (for breakless comps)
- judges, marshalling hired (WSDC Rule §6)
- for bigger/faster events: comp-coordinator hired
- enough WORKING (!) ballpoint-pens ≥20
- clipboards (≥ 2x max. round-judges + 1x emcee + marshalling) Example: 3 rolejudges in prelims => 16 clipboards; 5 rolejudges in prelims => 24 clipboards; 7 rolejudges in prelims => 32 clipboards
- 1 USB-keyboard per comp-checkin
- Extra screens, projectors or walls to show the comp-shedule (Examples: )
- announce the event/competitions to local journalists, newspapers, TV, …
- Extra Mixer Output (Audiojack 6,3mm, XLR or Cinch). If you have anything else please let me know
- If your mixer supports submixes, I prefer seperate tracks for music and microphones